Sunday, May 31, 2015

High School

High School is really hard to break down because, I went to three high schools…and they were all different with almost everything. But I will say that it is a horrible place. Nothing you do is gonna feel good enough, and your gonna have a moment every single say where you’re like “ah why did I do that” or “why didn’t I do that”. And you’re gonna run into the bathroom before school before the bell rings and look in the mirror and go “omg what am I wearing”.  At least one time in your high school experience you’re gonna go cry in your car because you saw your bae talking to another girl and it’s gonna make you very upset. That’s happened to me twice. You’re gonna look at all the beautiful people who “have no problems” and straight A’s and scholarships while you’re on the edge of a cliff with AP classes. You’re gonna feel small in a sea with waves of hormones and oh, so much estrogen.  The hallways are crowded and everyone stinks, odors mashing together as well as the gallons of different cologne and perfume. And you’re gonna get shoved against the wall and you’ll drop your things and lose all dignity for a minute but then you’ll pick everything back up and look around and realize your situation really isn’t that bad.
 That kid to the right, his parents got divorced last night and his dad is moving out of state and has to decide which parent go with, right when he gets home. The girl to the left has an eating disorder and she’s about to black out because she’s so hungry so she’s walking into the bathroom  and she’s gonna go into a stall and lock the door and try to gather herself. The small nerdy kid in front of you, just got teased again by the football team and decided today that this school, would be better without him, he’ s taking his life tonight. That beautiful girl on the cheerleading squad is in an abusive relationship. That kid in band, his dad is a famous musician, and everyone is counting on him to be just as good, he goes early and stays after school because his dad makes him, and he doesn’t even like playing his instrument, it’s not his thing, but he doesn’t dare tell that to his dad. Your math teacher just got kicked out of her apartment this morning because she couldn’t pay rent for the month but she still came to school to teach you, and she has no idea where she’s gonna sleep tonight. . And that girl you talk to once in a while in biology is thinking about switching schools because she feels like she doesn’t fit in, and little do you know that she wishes so much that you would talk to her just a little bit more because… she doesn’t have any friends.
You think you’re the only one with problems in High School? Every single person you pass during the day has a problem. You sit by yourself, wondering why no one is reaching out to you, when you aren’t reaching out to anyone either. You stay up late at night studying for that test you have, finishing that project and writing that book report and stress building up so high and you’re wondering why life is so hard and not realizing that there are hundreds of kids who have the same exact classes as you do.
I want you all to wake up every morning with the urge to make someone ELSE’S day, and stop worrying so much about yours. Be someone else’s hero. The biggest struggle you will have in  High School is feeling like you don’t have anyone and feeling alone. But you will go to school  everyday with a brave face and you make it look like nothing is wrong. You’re pro at it. And guess what? So is everyone else.
High school has so many ups and down and you’re gonna wanna quit and switch schools to try to get a fresh start and have new people but you also don’t realize that High School is where you’re supposed to find yourself, and face hard things. Don’t run away from things you can’t handle. Take them on, or just push them out of the way, I recommend the second one, yes, it’s possible. You are in control, High school is what you make of it and YOU are what you make of yourself. Walking out of graduation is walking out of the worst and best stage you’ll have in your life. Help other people, and it will help you. Don’t forget to look around. Oh, And Put your phone away in that few minutes teachers give you before the bell rings for class and after class, or else you’ll miss out on some things.